The Yorkshire 3-Peaks Challenge: Complete!

Design Only Gardens raised crucial funds for Falcon Support Services supporting homeless people and those who are at risk of homelessness. Read on to learn more about their journey and more.


Antoaneta Blagoeva

9/18/20233 min read

Falcon Support Services


24 Miles.

For Charity.

Design Only Gardens raised vital funds for Falcon Support Services supporting homeless people and those who are at risk of homelessness.

The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a grueling trek that takes participants through some of the most picturesque yet physically demanding terrain in the UK. This challenge involves climbing three iconic peaks in the Yorkshire Dales National Park – Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside, and Ingleborough – all within 12 hours.

Pen-y-Ghent: The Ascent Begins

The journey began with the team tackling Pen-y-Ghent, the smallest but no less challenging of the three peaks. Standing at 2,277 feet (694 meters) above sea level, Pen-y-Ghent is known for its steep and rocky ascent. Design Only Gardens' team had to muster all their strength and determination to conquer this initial hurdle.

The ascent up Pen-y-Ghent was no walk in the park. It involved navigating rocky paths, steep climbs, and unpredictable weather conditions. The team persevered through fatigue and adversity, taking inspiration from the charity they were supporting and the people whose lives they were working to improve.

Whernside: The Middle Challenge

After successfully conquering Pen-y-Ghent, the team faced their next test: Whernside. As the highest of the three peaks at 2,415 feet (736 meters), Whernside is known for its long and gradual ascent. This part of the challenge required immense stamina and mental fortitude.

The Design Only Gardens team pushed onward, embracing the breathtaking views and camaraderie that the Yorkshire Dales had to offer. The knowledge that their efforts were contributing to Falcon Support Services' mission fueled their determination to keep going, step by step, towards their goal.

Ingleborough: The Final Ascent

With two peaks down and one to go, the team's resolve remained unshaken as they faced Ingleborough, the last and steepest of the three peaks at 2,372 feet (723 meters). Known for its rugged terrain and unique limestone landscape, Ingleborough presented its own set of challenges.

As they climbed Ingleborough, the Design Only Gardens team drew strength from their shared experiences and the support they had received from their friends, family, and community. Each step was a testament to their dedication not only to completing the challenge but also to making a difference in the lives of those facing homelessness.

A Community United

Design Only Gardens didn't embark on this remarkable journey alone. They received support from their clients, suppliers, friends, and family, who generously contributed to their fundraising efforts for Falcon Support Services. They would like to extend a big thank you to all those which have supported and donated to this challenge in aid of Falcon Support Services.

There is still time to support us. By pressing the button below you can donate to Falcon Support Services to make a real difference to those at risk or suffering from homelessness in our community.