The Importance of a Garden Survey

Why do I need a garden survey? Find out more in our blog detailing the importance of a garden survey and the value it brings to both the designer and the clients project.


Taylor Gee

4/3/20232 min read

Design Only Gardens conduct a professional site survey on every project, learn more about our 4-step garden design service here

As a garden design agency understanding the specific conditions of a site is critical for the success of any garden project.

A garden site survey provides valuable information about the existing environment, land levels, drainage, sunlight exposure, and other environmental factors that can impact the design and construction of a garden.

In this blog, we'll explore why conducting a garden site survey is so important for garden designers like Design Only Gardens and the many benefits it provides.

  1. Planning and Design: One of the primary benefits of a garden site survey is that it provides valuable information such as accurate measurements and land levels that can assist with the planning and design of a garden. This information can help to ensure that the garden is optimised for the specific site conditions and that the design takes into account the unique environmental factors of the garden space. Accurate measurements and changes in land levels are important in garden design and construction because they directly impact the overall success of the garden construction. Precise measurements of the existing site ensure that garden elements, such as pathways, beds, and retaining walls, are built to the correct dimensions. This helps to ensure that the garden is aesthetically pleasing whilst also functional. Additionally, changes in land levels, such as sloping or uneven ground, can impact the garden design and construction process drastically. For example, understanding the land levels can provide the designer with information that the site has poor drainage. The survey can identify this issue and inform the designer to design the garden in a way that addresses this issue which will prevent water from pooling in the garden. Similarly, if the parts of the garden site has limited sunlight exposure, the survey can help to identify which areas of the garden receive the most sun and inform the designer to ensure that the plants that need the most sun are placed in those areas.

  1. Budgeting: Another benefit of a garden site survey is that it can help to identify potential challenges or difficulties in the garden construction process. This information can be used to budget accordingly, ensuring that there are enough resources available to address any issues that arise during the construction process. For example, if the vision requires a large amount of excavation or build up, the survey can help to identify this issue.

  2. Plant Selection: The information gathered from a garden site survey can also help to select plants that are best suited to the specific site conditions. This can increase the likelihood of success in the garden and ensure that the plants are thriving in their new environment. For example, if the site has areas of full sun, partial or full shade.

  3. Sustainable Gardening: Finally, by understanding the specific site conditions, landscape designers can implement practices that promote sustainable gardening, such as water conservation and low maintenance. Allowing garden designers to take steps to prevent these issues and promote sustainable gardening practices.

In conclusion, conducting a garden site survey is an essential step in the garden planning process for garden designers. It provides valuable information about the site that can impact the design and construction of a garden.

As a landscape designer, understanding the specific conditions of a site is critical for the success of any garden project.

A garden site survey provides valuable information about the existing environment, land levels, drainage, sunlight exposure, and other environmental factors that can impact the design and construction of a garden.